RMS Referral Updates
Primary Care MSK RMS Bulletin.
Termination of Pregnancy
Patients are currently able to self-refer for this service. They should email the RMS at KCCG.health@nhs.net stating what they want and provide a contact telephone number. An RMS staff member will then call them back to discuss their options.
Pre – referral triage using Consultant Connect has come to an end.
All referrals are to be made, once again, via eRS and the Advice and Guidance service has been switched back on.
All referrals will be vetted by Dermatology as part of the RAS (Referral Assessment Service) to ensure that the patient gets to the right service, first time.
Dermatology request that all referrals are accompanied by a high quality image (s). Please see the ‘Dermatology Referrals’ tab in the Dermatology section for a list of exclusions and further guidance on referrals.?
As we are currently dealing with the COVID 19 crisis, we will not be able to offer a Direct to test 2WW Upper Endoscopy service as normal. Patients referred via this service will need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. We need to triage referrals and reserve endoscopic procedures for those judged to be of the highest priority.To help this decision making please can you ensure enough clinical details about symptoms and comorbidities are submitted with the referral.
Mandatory information that must be submitted with referral:
- Detailed symptoms and clinical examination
- Blood tests (full blood count, U&E liver and bone profile) and imaging results
- Clinical diagnosis
- Comorbidities, frailty/ASA score