
Fast Track Suspected Cancer Referrals

The Royal Cornwall Hospital have renamed the Two Week Wait Suspected Cancer Forms to Fast Track Suspected Cancer Forms in line with the NHS Cancer Programme, NHS England.

The content of the forms, mapping to the specialties and referring via eRS is unchanged.

The are usually embedded within GP computer systems and can also be found here.

Please note Children’s suspected cancer referral pathway has changed. 

To improve the service provided to General Practice and paediatric patients with suspected cancer symptoms, the service will no longer be accessed using the normal suspected cancer form.  Instead, Primary care healthcare professionals are asked to call the Paediatric Consultant Advice Line.  If cancer is still suspected after discussion, the Paediatric consultant will arrange review on the Paediatric Assessment Unit (PAU) as soon as possible (within 48 hours). This will provide a rapid review and avoid the need for referral forms.  Please see flow chart below.

If cancer is not suspected after discussion, referral can be made in the usual way to RMS, urgency advised by the consultant.  Please include the consultant discussion in addition to outlining the clinical case.

For any suspected skin, breast or oral cancers in children, these are still referred by Fast Track forms to Dermatology, Breast and Oral (Maxillofacial) as they have adult and child services.


For all other referrals, if any practices are having trouble finding, completing or sending referrals via the E-Referral system, please contact the Two Week Wait booking office on 01872 252323 for assistance.

It is important to have the correct demographics and contact details of your patients and for them to be aware that they have been referred to secondary care to rule out cancer. The aim is to offer patients an appointment within 8 days and provide some choice of appointments within the 14 day standard but this can be challenging if there are difficulties in contacting the patient or if they are unaware of the urgency or not available within the 14 days to attend.


For Devon forms, please see here


Royal Cornwall Hospital Children’s Suspected Cancer Pathway

Page Review Information

Review date                     12 July 2024

Next review date              12 July 2026

Clinical editor                   Dr Rebecca Hopkins

Contributors                     Dr Chris Williams, Consultant Paediatrician, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS


                                         Cancer Improvement and Performance Management Team, Royal Cornwall                

                                         Hospitals NHS Trust

                                         Dr Rebecca Hopkins, GP and RMS Clinical Lead