


For medical endocrinology conditions and identifying need for surgical intervention.

Available services at RCHT, Derriford and NDDH

N.B. - a clinic is held in the Diabetic Centre at RCHT - this clinic is not only for Diabetic patients - this just denotes clinic location.


Endocrine Surgery

Select Surgery - Not Otherwise Specified/Endocrine Surgery

For surgical conditions affecting thyroid, para thyroid glands etc.

Available services at RCHT, Derriford and NDDH


Obesity Service

Select Endocrinology and Metabolic Medicine/Not Otherwise Specified

  • For Adults aged 18 and over with a BMI of >40
  • Or >35 with severe co-morbidities such as Diabetes
  • Review of non-surgical options
  • Consideration of Bariatric Surgery


Lipid Clinic

Select Endocrinology and Metabolic Medicine/Lipid Disorders

Appears on Choose and Book as Chemical Pathology/Clinical Chemistry at RCHT

Conditions treated:-

  • Lipid Disorders
  • Cholesterol Conditions


Diabetic Endocrinology

Please refer all of these referrals to Diabetic Medicine/General Diabetic Management