- Postpartum
- Drug induced
- Viral/Subacute (de Quervain’s)
- Radiation
- Autoimmune (Hashimotos)
The first four of these are temporary and the thyroid usually but not always returns to normal. However Autoimmune thyroiditis can typically lead to persistent hypothyroidism.
Red flags
- Thyroid storm- admit as medical emergency
- Suspected thyroid malignancy – refer on 2ww head and neck pathway
Subacute/ de Quervains
Has triphasic course: Transient thyrotoxic→ hypothyroid (weeks/months)→ +/- euthyroid
Mainly women 20-50yrs
Normally triggered by viral infection
May present with fever & thyroid pain (tender firm enlarged thyroid) +/- signs hyperthyroidism +/- sore throat/ flu like symptoms
Usually recovery takes 2-5 months
5-20% develop persistent hypothyroidism
Thyrotoxic phase is self-limiting and should be managed symptomatically:
If thyrotoxic- refer the Endocrinology but whilst patient pending to be seen:
If palpitations/tremor- consider B blockers
If pain - consider NSAIDS
If persistent symptoms-consider steroids-please use Endocrinology A&G for advice
Also see guidance hyperthyroidism / hypothyroidism
If concerns/queries, please use Endocrine A&G for advice.
Postpartum thyroiditis
Normally within first 6months postpartum
Presents painless mildly swollen thyroid, with temporary hyperthyroidism, that resolves spontaneously.
Classically triphasic: transient hyperthyroidism→ hypothyroid (up to 1yr) → +/-euthyroid
c.20% progress to permanent hypothyroidism
Postnatal hypothyroidism may present as postnatal depression/lactation difficulties
Risk factors include: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic hepatitis, Personal or Fhx of other autoimmune disease, known anti TPO autoab
Increased lifetime risk of hypothyroidism- advise annual TFTS
If hyperthyroidism - refer Endocrinology
Normally self limiting-temporary B blockers if symptomatic- propranolol- low risk if breastfeeding
If hypothyroid:
If TSH>10- treat levothyroxine
If TSH raised but <10- treat levothyroxine if symptomatic
If TSH mildly raised but asymptomatic and low risk of further pregnancy- monitor-rpt TFTS 8 weeks
If concerns/queries- contact Endocrinology via Advice and guidance
Patient resources
BMJ Best Practice, Subacute Thyroiditis, March 2018
NICE CKS Hyperthyroidism January 2021
NICE CKS Hypothyroidism May 2021
BMJ Best Practice- Postpartum Thyroiditis March 2021
Dr Duncan Browne, Consultant Endocrinologist, RCHT
Dr Bridgitte Wesson, GP and Kernow RMS Endocrinology Guideline Lead
Guidelines review 07/02/2022
Next review due 07/02/2023