NHS Foot / Ankle Service Providers in Cornwall
Specialist Podiatry Service
Aims of the Service
The Specialist Podiatry Service in Cornwall aims to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal conditions of the foot and ankle as well as musculoskeletal conditions in other parts of the body resulting from foot and ankle dysfunction. Biomechanical assessment and gait analysis are incorporated into the assessment process to identify mechanical abnormalities that could predispose to these conditions and affect their management..
Inclusion Criteria
Painful, benign musculoskeletal conditions related to the foot
- When pain occurs within the foot and ankle.
- Musculoskeletal pain proximal to the foot/ankle, if the pain is related to foot and ankle dysfunction.
- Fixed deformities: Referrals can be made when pressure redistribution techniques, shock attenuation and stability are required
- Neurological symptoms resulting from foot/ankle dysfunction
- Foot and ankle dysfunction resulting from neurological conditions
Exclusion Criteria
- Lumps or bumps eg ganglion/masses
- Acute traumatic conditions
- Severe unremitting pain
- Where serious pathology is suspected eg fracture, tendon rupture
- Where immediate surgery is indicated
Location of clinics and to whom to refer
Specialist clinics take place in all the larger podiatry clinics, throughout Cornwall. They are coordinated by the specialist musculoskeletal podiatrists within their respective regions whose contact details are listed in the below table along with the location of their clinics.
Specialist Podiatrist |
Contact details
Location of clinic |
Sarah Powlesland |
Podiatry Department LiskeardHospital Clemo Road Liskeard PL14 3XA Tel: 01579 335203 |
-Liskeard Hospital -Bodmin Hospital -St Austell Community Hospital |
David Haines |
Podiatry Department TruroHealthPark, Infirmary Hill Truro TR1 2JA. Tel: 01872 354321 |
-FalmouthHealth Centre -Newquay Hospital -Truro Health Park |
Beverly Bowring |
Podiatry Department PenzanceHealth Office Bellair Alverton Penzance TR18 4TA Tel: 01736 575517 |
-Camborne Redruth Community Hospital -West Cornwall Hospital, Penzance |
Appliances department at RCHT
Provide custom made footwear, callipers and various braces. Patients should usually be referred to podiatry first for assessment and off-the-shelf footwear.
RCHT Radiology
- Perform X-ray and ultrasound guided injections to all joints
-Request on usual imaging forms
-If an injections fails to resolve symptoms a surgeon is likely to repeat the injection themselves before committing a patient to surgery
RCHT Orthopaedic Surgery clinics
Adults and children, multiple services at multiple locations including
- Complex paediatric foot and ankle clinic (held RCHT – Mr Parsons)
- Complex Adult Foot and Ankle Clinic (Mr Parsons and Mr Butler, Mr Walter- around the region, dealing mainly with ankle and hindfoot pathology)
- Foot Clinic (Mr Giurea- RCHT and St Michaels)
- Paediatric minor toes complaints (held at St.Michaels) Age 12 – 15
RCHT Specialist Foot & Ankle Physiotherapy Clinic
Conditions treated include:
- Achilles tendinopathy
- Plantar fasciitis
- Ligamental disruptions
- Osteoarthritis
- Children
- Lumps and bumps
- Where imaging is required or diagnosis is uncertain
Recent local MSK Physiotherapy needs to have been undertaken prior to referral
Referrals will be returned if Physiotherapy has not been attempted
For patients who have been through the MSK physiotherapy service but specific Specialist Foot & Ankle Physiotherapy advice / treatment is being sought.
This clinic is accessed by eRS referral to Foot and Ankle Orthopaedics. The referral will be triaged appropriately by the Foot and Ankle team.
RCHT Paediatric Orthopaedic Physiotherapy for Clubfoot
Refer by letter (not choose and book) to the paediatric orthopaedic physiotherapy team, therapy department, RCHT
This is a surgical service and is not suitable for insole or orthosis referrals.
- Major co-morbidities or BMI> 40
- Under 18 years
Probus Surgery
- In-growing toe nails
Date reviewed 25/06/2019
Next review due 25/06/2020
Sifter name Dr Rebecca Hopkins
Version No. 1.2