Post Covid 19 Syndrome
This service has been established to support people with post-COVID syndrome also known as ‘Post COVID syndrome’. The pathway has been developed and will be supported by a cross system team including GP with Specialist Interest, Chronic Fatigue Service, Respiratory, Dietetics, Clinical Health Psychologists, Volunteer Cornwall and patient representation.
The team has established single point access into the service and a pathway based on the latest guidance. People referred into the service will be assessed, triaged for further investigations and/ or onward refer to the most appropriate service.
Referral Criteria
- Signs and symptoms which develop during or following an infection consistent with COVID-19, continue for more than 12 weeks and are not explained by an alternative diagnosis. PostCOVID syndrome may be considered before 12 weeks while the possibility of an alternative diagnosis is also being assessed,
- Common post-COVID-19 Syndrome symptoms and signs include fatigue, breathlessness, anxiety/ depression, problems with memory & concentration (brain fog), chest pain, heart palpitations, dizziness, joint pain, earache, high temperature, rashes,
- Do not exclude people from referral to a multidisciplinary assessment service or for further investigations or specialist input based on the absence of a positive SARS-CoV-2 test (PCR,antigen or antibody).
Procedures Performed
- Cognitive assessment
- Functional assessment
- Psychological assessment
- Rehabilitation
- Medical systems review with appropriate investigations
Service may refer to onward rehab including:
- Peer support through the HOPE programme
- Respiratory physio, nursing, pulmonary rehab and dietetics
- Cardiac rehab
- Occupational Therapy
- Psychological / Family therapy intervention
- Acute COVID symptoms
- Acute severe or worrisome symptoms or deterioration in physical or mental health causing clinical concern which imply need for urgent assessment
- Patients with previous diagnosis of functional illness unless there is clear evidence of COVID infection and change in symptoms in the context of timing of pandemic
- Heart rate and rhythm
- BP
- Temp.
- SaO2.
- Desaturation with activity
- Urine dip
- FBC CRP U&E LFT Troponin CK BNP Ferritin
How to Refer
Click here for the Post Covid 19 Syndrome Referral Form
RCHT facing practices, please refer into the new Kernow RMS Post-COVID Syndrome (Post COVID syndrome) service on e-RS, which can be found under:
Specialty: Rehabilitation
Clinic Type(s): Neuro-rehabilitation and Not Otherwise Specified
Service Name: KERNOW RMS Clinical Assessment Service - Post-COVID Syndrome (Post COVID syndrome) - KRMS - 11N
UHP facing practices, please refer to the existing DRSS respiratory medicine assessment service on e-RS.
Patient Information and Supprt
- YourCOVID recovery
- COVID HOPE Programme NB COVID specific referrals for the HOPE programme will be through the RMS not via Volunteer Cornwall
- NHS E website
Volunteer support to people with Long COVID
Volunteer Cornwall can provide support to people such as shopping, telephone befriending, walking buddies etc.
Volunteer Cornwall can provide support to people such as shopping, telephone befriending, walking buddies etc.
GP Resources
Mangament of long COVID
Post-viral fatigue following coronavirus infection
Please see the following articles for up-to-date information on the identification and management of post-viral fatigue and post-viral fatigue syndrome in the context of the coronavirus pandemic:
ME, Post Covid Fatigue Syndrome & MECFS - September 2020
ME, Post Viral Fatigue & Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome Following Coronavirus Infection - May 2020
BACME, Post Viral Fatigue, A Guide To Management - May 2020
Review date February 2022
Next review date February 2023
GP Sifter Dr Laura Vines
Contributors Dr Robert Gardner
Mel Terry