Pregnancy Advisory Service
TOP providers:
- RCHT- GP referral or self-referral (up to 14 weeks). Bookings can be arranged by emailing the RMS at or by phone 01872 226720.
- UHP- GP referral or self-referral (up to 13+6). Contact by phone 01752 431129.
- MSI Reproductive Services (Marie Stopes)- GP or self-referral (can be referred up to 24 weeks). MSI Reproductive Services operate a service in St Austell and Plymouth and offer a telemedicine service to patients up to 10 weeks. They also offer a surgical service up to 24 weeks in Bristol. Bookings can be arranged by emailing the RMS at or by phone 01872 226720.
All have scanning facilities.
Note Medical terminations are available up to 10 weeks on the day of the clinic appointment.
Useful contacts:
Cornwall TOPs line: 01872 226720,
UHP (Derriford): 01752 431129
MSI Reproductive Services: 0345 300 8090,
Sexual Health Service in Cornwall and IOS: 0300 303 0714
Brook national line: 08000185023
Please click here to view the TOPS referral pathway
Patient Advisory Service Leafet
Date reviewed: 04 April 2023