
Menopause Advice & Guidance


Menopause advice and guidance

    • This service will be run by Dr Jo Parry and is funded by KHCIC. 
    • Jo is a GP with a particular interest in menopause management. She will answer your queries within her frame of competence and let you know if she thinks you need to seek additional support elsewhere. She will help direct you to such. Her advice can only be based on the information you have given her; she does not have access to the patient’s notes. Her advice should be seen as advice only, that is "what she might do in the circumstances." The responsibility for the patient remains with the GPs at the surgery they are registered with. The outcomes of the choices they make with the patient remain the GP's responsibility.
    • The service can be used by any healthcare professional in GP.
    • At present, the service is for one session a week. There may be scope to increase. The queries will be answered according to priority and then in the order they are received.
    • Please put the patient's name and NHS number in the body of the email, so that any advice can be added to the correct patient's notes on its return. The rules of confidentiality that one expects in GP will of course apply.
    • Please add the practice secretaries' email address so that the email thread can be filed in the patient's notes and does not remain on a personal email. 
    • Queries sent without the above 2 pieces of information will be sent back unanswered.
    • The RCHT Gynae advice and guidance service is not commissioned to answer menopause queries.
    • Free teaching regarding simple management of menopause in primary care can be found here: https://youtu.be/yCM7Yrar53U
    • Dr Parry can also give a talk and question session to your PCN about simple management of menopause in primary care if this is needed. An email to the above address asking for this would be appropriate.
    • Referrals should be sent to kernowhealthcic.menopauseadviceandguidance@nhs.net