
Psychological Therapy



NHS Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Talking Therapies (previously Outlook South West).

Referral criteria

Aged 16yr or older, registered with a GP in CIOS experiencing:

  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Anxiety, including panic and phobic disorders
  • Obsessions and compulsions
  • Psot-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Body dysmorphic disorder

Physical long-term health conditions impacting on mental health (LTC IAPT), including:

  • Diabetes (Types 1,2 and pre-diabetes)
  • Cardiovascular Related Problems
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)


Inclusion criteria

  • Patients who would be considered low to medium risk in that they may be experiencing thoughts or passive suicidal/self-harming ideation in line with depression or anxiety but have no plans or intent to act upon this.
  • Patients who are currently engaged with other services such as Pentreath, DWP, or related charity organisations are accepted.
  • Referrals are accepted from the Community Mental Health Team as long as the service user has one of the inclusion criteria conditions, have had a sustained period of stability and they are engaged with the Community Health Teams’ treatment program.

Not an exhaustive list.


Exclusion Criteria

  • High risk patients: Patients that are experiencing frequent thoughts of suicide or who have plans or intent to harm themselves or others in some way. Patients that are considered ‘high risk’ of suicide will not be accepted. Please be aware that we are not an emergency service.
  • Other physical health conditions: Patients with other physical health conditions such as Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epilepsy, Cancer or any other condition that is not listed in the inclusion criteria cannot be accepted.
  • Alcohol or substance dependence: Service users that are currently engaging in or have a dependency on drugs and/or alcohol that are not engaged with the commissioned service to manage the dependency with the substance or alcohol. Such referrals from these services will also be subject to an assessment for clinical appropriateness.

Not an exhaustive list.


Required information prior to referral


Referral process

Patients can self-refer by phoning (01208) 871 905 or online

Healthcare professionals can refer by completing the Health Professional Online Referral Form

Referrals will be triaged.


Talking Therapies contact details

W: Talking Therapies | Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (cornwallft.nhs.uk)

P: (01208) 871 905

E: cft.talkingtherapiesreferrals@nhs.net


Supporting Information and References

CFT NHS Talking Therapies


Page Review Information

Review date

14 November 2024

Next review date

14 November 2026

Clinical editor

Dr Laura Vines


NHS Talking Therapies