
Flat Feet


Assess the child once walking is well established, eg walking independently for 6 months.


Most children when learning to walk do so with a wide base and flat feet. Heels may be valgus.

Flexible flat feet in children is a normal variant up until the age of 8-10 years 

flexible flat feet do not require treatment but an advice leaflet titled ”flat feet in young children” is available that can be given in primary care if there is parental concern. 

Symptomatic flexible flat feet in children are appropriate for referral depending on age. See table below: 


Author:Dr S Burns, Dr R Hopkins

Contributors:Sarah Harvey, Paediatric Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Team Lead RCHT. Russel Hawkins, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon RCHT.


Next Review Date: 9/6/24


Version no. 2.3