
Heart Valve Clinic


This guideline applies to adults aged 16 years and over.


This clinic is a single point of access for referrals for patients with a confirmed valve disorder.  Referrals should be made via e-RS by letter.


In scope:                       Severe valve disease

Not in scope:
Any mild or moderate valve disease (with the exception of moderate mitral stenosis)

Red Flag Features

Acutely unwell patients

Subacute endocarditis





Investigations required prior to referral

  • ECG
  • Echocardiogram
  • FBC, U&Es, eGFR, pro-BNP
  • CXR where appropriate


Advice and Guidance

Please send advice and guidance requests via e-RS to Cardiology.


Refer by letter via eRS to the Heart Valve clinic

  • Documented severe aortic stenosis or aortic regurgitation
  • Suspected severe aortic stenosis or aortic regurgitation on echocardiogram
  • Severe primary mitral regurgitation
  • Suspected severe primary mitral regurgitation on echocardiogram
  • Moderate and severe mitral stenosis
  • Severe primary tricuspid regurgitation

Referral to the Heart Valve Clinic is not required for the following conditions.  These should be referred to the General Cardiology Clinic instead.

  • All mild and moderate valve disease
  • Functional mitral regurgitation (occurs in the absence of organic mitral valve disease and is a result of LV dysfunction) – to be referred to general cardiology or heart function service in case of concomitant severe LV systolic impairment.
  • Functional tricuspid regurgitation (because of RV dysfunction due to lung or left-sided heart disease)
  • Pulmonic valve disease
  • Severe frailty/multiple comorbidities precluding any intervention.


Referral instructions

Referrals must include the investigations (carried out within 3 months of referral with the exception of blood tests) listed below. Referrals will not be accepted with just physical examination (including finding of murmurs):

  • ECG
  • Echocardiogram
  • FBC, U&Es, eGFR, pro-BNP (within last 6 months, or within 1 month for new symptoms)
  • CXR (where appropriate)
  • Copies of relevant correspondence from cardiothoracic surgery if available such as discharge summary, operation notes and details of the prosthetic valve.

Supporting Information

For professionals:  Overview | Heart valve disease presenting in adults: investigation and management | Guidance | NICE

For patients: Heart valve disease - BHF


References         Overview | Heart valve disease presenting in adults: investigation and management | Guidance | NICE


Page Review Information

 Review date


Next review date


Clinical editor

Dr Melanie Schick


Dr Zeljko Baricevic, Consultant Cardiologist RCHT