Coeliac Disease
Patients with a new diagnosis of coeliac disease will be directed to first line advice upon referral to Dietetic department:
- 'Newly diagnosed coeliac disease' webinar can be found at
Patients will be supplied with contact details by which to self refer for a Dietetic appointment if:
- Symptoms persist despite implementing a gluten free diet
- Struggling to adhere to a gluten free diet
- Weight loss is observed
- Body mass index (BMI) is less than 20kg/m2
- Unable to access or interpret digital resources
Please request referral for a Dietetic appointment if patient has a new diagnosis of coeliac disease and:
- BMI less than 20kg/m2
- Other conditions that require dietary modification or need to be considered alongside coeliac disease
- May struggle to adhere to a gluten free diet
- Weight loss of >10% reported prior to diagnosis
- Unable to access or interpret digital resources
Patients can access 'Annual review' advice at