RCHT Thoracic Medicine Advice & Guidance
The Advice & Guidance Service has been established to offer Consultant advice on Thoracic Medicine queries when direct referral into secondary care may not be necessary. The service will advise on management and treatment options for GPs to consider prior to referral where appropriate, with the aim of reducing the number of patients who need to be seen face to face.
If the patient is already under the care of one of the Thoracic Medicine Consultants, please detail this in the request.
Clinical responsibility remains with the GP until the patient is seen within secondary care.
If requiring post covid respiratory follow up, in the absence of red flags and or alternative causes, advice and guidance can be sought.
All Advice & Guidance requests for this service must now be submitted through e-Referrals and replace the informal email service previously offered.
Review date 14/02/2025
Next review date 14/02/2027
GP Sifter Dr Kate Northridge