
Childhood Obesity


For the local pathways for obesity in children, including diagnosis, services available and information on comorbidities, please see the pathways available here:


Cornwall and IoS Care Pathway for Overweight Children 0-23 months 

Cornwall and IoS Care Pathway for Overweight Children 2-17 years

A calculator for children over 2 is here. It marks the BMI on the chart so you do not have to plot it yourself (or even find a chart to do it!)


 Essential information with any referral, but especially at Level 3/LEAF clinic:

  • All previous weights or a copy of the weight and height growth charts from the red book
  • Any child protection or safeguarding issues - extreme obesity is a risk factor for this. If there are none then this should be stated in the letter.
  • Previous referrals or weight loss interventions tried


Useful Information to include in the letter:

  • Family history of early obesity and other illness
  • Past medical history

To refer to the LEAF service please fill in the referral form available here


Date of Review: January 2021                                  

Date of Next Review    January 2022           

Author       Dr S Burns GP

Contributors: Louise Tee, Paediatric Dietician                              


Version No.  1.2