Acute Otitis Media
If systemically well consider treating with analgesia for 72 hours
Click here for antimicrobial prescribing advice as per NICE
Referral to ENT
Refer immediately to on call ENT SHO if:
- Severe systemic infection
- Severe complications such as:
- Acute Mastoiditis - pyrexia, red ear drum as per AOM, red swelling behind pinna such that ear is pushed forward.
- Facial palsy
- Acute vertigo with nystagmus
- Intra-cranial complication such as venous sinus thrombosis, meningitis or intra-cranial abscess. One of the most sensitive signs of this is retro-aural HEADACHE combined with pyrexia
NHS Kernow Commissioning Policies 2019-20 -click here
NICE Guideline 91: Otitis Media (acute): antimicrobial prescribing. Mar 2018 - click here
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