GORD in Children
Suspect GORD in any infant (up to 1 year of age) or child if they present with regurgitation and one or more of the following:
Note: additional features such as episodic torticollis with neck extension and rotation may indicate the presence of Sandifer's syndrome. Children over 1 year of age may present with heartburn, retrosternal pain, and epigastric pain. |
Admit if:
- Projectile vomiting and concerns of pyloric stenosis
- Haematemesis
- Melena
Otherwise refer if:
- An uncertain diagnosis or red flag symptoms which suggest a more serious condition.
- Persistent, faltering growth associated with regurgitation
- Unexplained distress in children with communication difficulties.
- Symptoms suggestive of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) needing ongoing medical therapy or not responding to medical therapy.
- Feeding aversion and a history of regurgitation.
- Unexplained iron deficiency anaemia.
- No improvement in regurgitation after 1 year of age.
- Suspected Sandifer's syndrome (characterised by episodic torticollis with neck extension and rotation).
Suspected complications such as - recurrent aspiration pneumonia, unexplained apnoeas, unexplained epileptic seizure-like events, unexplained upper airway inflammation, dental erosion associated with a neurodisability, recurrent acute otitis media already managed appropriately.
Additional notes:
* The use of thickened formulas and alginate therapy together is not recommended.
** Omeprazole suspension is a special order. Ranitidine suspension is available, please see the BNF for dose [off label use].
Please see the KCCG guideline ‘Appropriate Prescribing of Specialist Infant Formula’ for more information on prescribing
Clinical Knowledge Summaries, NICE https://cks.nice.org.uk/gord-in-children, Last revised September 2020.
Dr Matthew Thorpe, Consultant Paediatrician, RCHT
Mike Wilcock, Prescribing Unit, Royal Cornwall Hospital, January 2018.
Date Reviewed July 2021
Date Next Review July 2022
GP RMS Author Dr S Burns
Version No. 1.2