Female UTI
Definition: > 3 proven urinary tract infections within 12 months (positive msu or symptoms of cystitis associated with nitrite positive dipstick).
Women have a 50% lifetime risk of UTI and this increases with age. There is often no significant underlying identifiable cause.
Indications for referral:
- Emergency admissionif features of systemic sepsis: pyrexia/confusion/tachycardia/tachypnoea/hypotension/severe nausea and vomiting.
- 2ww Urology if Persistent haematuria after treatment of infection
C&B referral
- Abnormal USS: refer to appropriate speciality depending on abnormality.
- Women with rec UTI and definite suggestion of bladder outflow obstruction (Residual Volume RV >100ml)
- Recurrent upper UTIs
- Pregnant – consider A&G
- In those who have had the treatments suggested below, eg. low-dose abx, with normal USS and RV, but are still very symptomatic and distressed may be referred for review. Consider via A&G However, it is likely that there is little else to offer.
Possible causes:
- Increasing age with atrophic vaginitis post menopause
- Prolapse
- Intercourse
- Pregnancy
- Diabetes
- Urinary tract abnormality (anatomical/functional/stones/indwelling catheter)
- Residential care
- Immunocompromise
Differential diagnoses:
- Chronic pelvic pain syndrome
- Drug induced cystitis eg ketamine
Management prior to referral:
- Send MSU prior to starting antibiotics and change according to sensitivities. Consider treatment for 1-2 weeks.
- Request USS renal tract. If this is normal further investigation is not usually required.
- Examine for and manage prolapse (see https://rms.cornwall.nhs.uk/rms/primary_care_clinical_referral_criteria/primary_care_clinical_referral_criteria/gynae/prolapse)
- Lifestyle advice: adequate fluid intake/hygiene/void after intercourse
- Topical oestrogens (intravaginal) in post-menopausal women
Antibiotic prophylaxis
Consider if above measures ineffective/ inappropriate
Discuss risks long term antibiotic use including resistance
Taking into account antibiotic sensitivities on recent MSUs
If pregnant please consider which A/bio are safe at different stages of pregnancy
Consider single dose prophylaxis if identifiable trigger such as post sexual intercourse
- Trimethoprim 200mg stat dose or Nitrofurantoin (if eGFR >45 ml/min) 100mg stat dose
Daily Prophylactic antibiotic course for six months if no identifiable triggers
- Trimethoprim 100mg nocte or Nitrofurantoin (if eGFR >45ml/min) 50-100mg nocte
Advise If breakthrough infection – needs medical rev, send msu, treat with different antibiotic to prophylaxis antibiotic
Patient information
NICE NG112, Urinary tract infection, October 2018
NICE, CKS, Suspected recurrent Urinary Tract Infection in women, June 2021
Mr Christopher Blake, Consultant Urologist, RCHT
Dr B Wesson, GP & Kernow RMS Urology Guideline lead
Review date: March 2022
Next review due March 2023