GP based vasectomies under local anaesthetic
GP based local anaesthetic vasectomy for male sterilisation is commissioned where patients meet the criteria below, the referral letter and patient’s medical record need to clearly evidence how these criteria are met:
· Their partner/spouse is not currently pregnant
· They understand the procedure should be considered irreversible
· The patient has been advised that reversal would not be funded by the CCG
· They are able to have the procedure carried out under local anaesthetic
Secondary care vasectomies under general anaesthetic
Vasectomies performed under general anaesthetic are commissioned where patients meet the criteria below.
The referral letter and patient’s medical record need to clearly evidence how these criteria are met:
· Previous documented adverse reaction to local anaesthesia
· Scarring or deformity distorting the anatomy of the scrotal sac or content making identification and/or manipulation of the spermatic cord through the skin difficult to achieve
· The patient is on anticoagulation therapy
Patients who have fear of the procedure, or patient choice, are not adequate reasons for requesting vasectomy under general anaesthetic.
The NHS Kernow policy regarding vasectomy under general anaesthetic can be found here
Patient information
Mr Christopher Blake, Consultant Urologist, RCHT
Dr Bridgitte Wesson, GP & Kernow RMS Urology Guideline lead
Review date January 2022
Next review due January 2023