
Children with atypical development and disability


OTs assess functional and sensory needs within referral criteria (as below) and work with parents and carers to enable children to become as independent as possible. 


Referrals must be from a health or education professional who knows the child or young person and not be based on parental request only.  All referrals will be carefully considered based on the information supplied in the referral and CCTS referral and prioritisation criteria 


All referrals should provide specific and detailed information demonstrating the children’s functional difficulties.  

The reason for referral should relate to motor and/or sensory difficulties which are significantly affecting the child’s performance and activities of daily living.


Pre-school children with global developmental delay are not considered a high priority unless their reduced function impacts on their health and safety e.g. feeding and drinking.  


It is likely that Portage offer a more relevant service, addressing their global developmental needs. Portage can be accesses through the Early Help Hub


Parents of children over the age of 8 years should also be signposted to other sources of information and support such as Parenting Courses via the Early Help Hub and the Wellbeing and Autism Wheel https://www.supportincornwall.org.uk/kb5/cornwall/directory/autismwheel.page


If you would like to refer a child, please email:jane.jackson29@nhs.net