
Paediatric Community Therapies


Occupational Therapy:

For children with atypical development and disability. OTs assess functional and sensory needs within referral criteria and work with parents and carers to enable children to become as independent as possible.

Please see here for information regarding referral.




The service is for children presenting with atypical development and disability.

Please see here for information regarding referral.

Please see here for information about Hospital Based Paediatric Physiotherapy Services




Provide dietetic support to disabled children, their families and the professionals who work with them. The focus is on children diagnosed with a disability who are eating and/or drinking, and who are at risk of under-nutrition. Please see Referral Criteria to Community Dietitian for Disabled Children and Referral Form.

For all other outpatient paediatric dietetic referrals, please see Paediatric Dietetics



Speech and Language Therapy:
